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Number of items: 43.

Doctoral Thesis

O'Doherty, Mary (2023) Did the recommendations arising from three whole school evaluations which were Implemented and enacted by the principal provide a blueprint for improvement and educational change in a post-primary school in rural Ireland? Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Ross, Owen (2023) A mixed method approach evaluating the impact of the faculty of business and hospitality's student success model within the department of business and management, in Athlone Institute of technology, over eight academic years. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.

O'Rourke, Maree (2022) Follow the leader" Capturing the perspectives of post primary principals in the Irish voluntary school sector on implementing a distributed leadership framework. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Geoghegan, Sheila (2021) Can introducing a set of practice review documents into community nursing improve practice? Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Guildea, Carol (2021) Continuity and reform: a case study analysis of assessment in Irish post-primary education through the evaluation of stakeholder perceptions. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.

Quinn, Irene (2021) The Role and impact of middle leadership and management on the Implementation of school self-evaluation in primary schools in the Republic of Ireland. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Kunda Marron, Rosaria (2020) An analysis of early childhood development facilities as centres of care and support for vulnerable children using the asset based community development model: a case study of Uganda. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.

Malone, Fiona (2018) An exploration of gender and academic management in Irish institutes of technology. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Croke, Fiona (2017) The professionalisation of vocational education and training practitioners to own buy or rent a case study of developments in Finland, Australia and Ireland. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Brennan, Fionnuala (2017) Working and learning lives springboard student experiences. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Young, Cornelius (2017) Data use in secondary schools. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Mahon, Elaine (2017) Investigating the perceptions of primary school communities in the Republic of Ireland regarding their Catholic identity. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Alblowi, Ahmad (2016) An Evaluation of the effectiveness and validity of the preparatory year programme in preparing students for studying in Taibah university in Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.

Sheehan, Erica (2016) An exploration of stakeholders' perceptions of the 'mission to serve' in second-level fee charging Spiritan schools in Ireland. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Walsh, Orla (2016) Spiritan faith friends: an evaluation of faith development in a peer-ministry programme. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

McGonagle, Catherine (2015) Happiness in the workplace: an appreciative inquiry. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Ryan, Garrett (2015) Succession planning in industry. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Murray, Denis (2015) The case of higher education provision in further education: leadership in the evolution of higher education in the post leaving certificate sector of the city of Dublin vocational education committee. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

McHugh, Bernadette (2015) An evaluation of a blended programme of teacher education in Ireland. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

MacDermott, Siobhan J. (2015) Merging the person and the illness: the lived experience of emerging adults with childhood onset chronic illness. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Ladden, Brian (2015) School Evaluation: an exploration of the impact of evaluation processes on the staff in an Irish post-primary school. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

McHugh, Gerard (2015) The Leadership careers of selected primary school principals. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Doyle, Kieran (2014) Evaluating and improving the delivery of work-based learning. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Mangan, Sinead (2014) School self-evaluation; improving infant literacy in a DEIS school through a model of collaborative inquiry and reflection. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Stynes, Martin (2014) Walk a mile in my shoes: A case study of the everyday lives and work experiences of a group of Irish primary school Principals. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Murphy, Teresa (2013) An evaluation of home-school partnership relations developed in designated disadvantaged (DEIS) postprimary schools to enhance students’ literacy and numeracy skills. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Doolan-Grimes, Mary (2013) Clinical nurse managers understanding and use of evidence based practice. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Ummanel, Azize (2012) Schools principals’ career path: Ireland, Cyprus and Malta sample. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Cuddihy, Nicholas John (2012) Understanding school leadership: A mixed methods study of the context and needs of serving and aspiring post primary school principals A mixed methods study of the context and needs of serving and aspiring post primary school principals. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Connolly O'Prey, Noreen H. (2012) An exploration of the role of the school secretary/administrator in the city of Dublin vocational education committee (CDVEC). Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Corrigan, Trudy (2012) Intergenerational learning: An evaluation of an emerging pedagogy. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Anderson, Fionnuala (2012) The constuction of professionalism in vocational education and training in Ireland: A mixed methods study of trainers' roles and professional development in the workplace. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

O'Brien Maguire, Shivaun (2011) The Development and Implementation of a Quality Framework For Youthreach and Traveller Training Centres. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.

Wickham, Iain (2010) A Comparative Evaluation to Determine the Effectiveness of the Behaviour Support Classrooms and other Positive Behaviour Management Interventions in Designated Disadvantaged Schools. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Collins, Mary (2010) How Best to Manage Graduate Employees in Professional Services to Enhance their Performance: An Exploratory Study. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.

O'Reilly, Colm Joseph (2010) In Search of Excellence: Perceived effects of special classes for gifted students in Ireland from the perspective of the students and their parents. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Gibbons, Mary T (2010) Returning to Normality: A Grounded Theory Study of Women with Breast Cancer. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Joyce, Pauline (2010) Approaches to Learming of Postgraduate Healthcare Professionals in an Outcomes Based Curriculum. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Ryan, Anne-Marie (2006) An evaluation study of the regulatory approach to general nurse education 2001-2004 in Ireland. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.

O'Hara, Joe orcid logoORCID: 0000-0003-1956-7640 (2006) The challenge of autonomy:exploring the role of ICT and self-evaluation in the development of today's teacher. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.

Cooke, Senan (2006) The challenge of educational disadvantage in a knowledge economy: a case study of Waterford crystal Ltd. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.

O'Halloran, Siobhan (2004) Self-direction as a dimension of nursing education for nursing practice. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.

Morrissey, Marie (2002) Adult education and training: issues emerging from the perspective of the higher education sector and work organizations. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.

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